I truly believe that if it were possible for me to live on the interwebz within this post I would. I could stay here in this little happy place forever! I.Love.Summer. <--In case I hadn't mentioned that previously. Just keeping you all up to speed. Sorry. And, there's probably nothing that screams summer time better than kids soaking it all in(shout out to Katrina for this idea!). It's pure joy. And I really do mean joy in it's purest form! Seriously, check out these kiddos below. They know how to do summer right. Combine hot summer days and nights, pool time, BBQs, ice cream, and slushies and you have the perfect recipe for happy. Yep. Happy. That's it. Ahhh....
Hello Jordan and Yeimy! BBQs scream summer to me too!
Mmmm popsicles melting on a hot summer day! Thanks Julie and Melissa!
Now didn't I tell you this post would make you fall in love with being a kid and summer time again? Pack your bags kiddos...let's move into this happy place...
I wanna go!!!
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