
Les Arts: Smuin Ballet

It is a war. A straight out battle. Enemy lines have been drawn. It's in my head, but it's a war nonetheless.

By now you know I'm a geeky nerdy science girl. That's just a given. But let's rewind. Go back in time, if you will. Back before the brain obsession, back before the memorization of all 206 bones in the human body, back before I was listening to my family's heartbeats with my very first stethoscope (as an aside I still totally do this and totally still get a kick out of it hehe!)....there was a little girl...in a tutu. And this tutu wearing little girl marched her tiny hiney (it was so tiny and perky in those days) on stage and danced her heart out to the hukilau. Yes, the hukilau. That's all it took. The lights on my face, the audience, the excitement, the adrenaline. I.was.hooked. I was also 5, but whatever. A girl always knows what she wants. Unless she changes her mind. And that's ok too. From that point on I started a love affair with dance and the stage. I found any excuse to get on stage and perform. Sometimes the stage was in my living room subjecting my poor family to my "creative" masterpieces, but that's neither here nor there. Don't feel sorry for them. I was cute. I swear. Most of the time.

Wow, that was a long winded way of explaining how incredibly special this post is to me. I was given such a wonderful opportunity last weekend (by this wonderful friend of mine) to photograph one of San Francisco's premiere dance companies, the Smuin Ballet, rehearsing for their Spring 2010 show "French Twist" choreographed by Ma Cong. You will be hearing this man's name more and more, trust me! He is an incredible artist with amazing insight, vision, musicality, and creativity. Ma has won numerous dance awards all over the globe and was named one of the "25 to Watch" by Dance Magazine in January 2006 for his dancing and choreography.

We were graciously invited into a closed door rehearsal by Smuin Ballet's Artistic Director, Celia Fushille (who is just divine might I add). Oh the magic that ensued...

The dancers receiving instruction from Ma.

The athleticism required for this piece is insane! Look at those bodies!

It was insane how beautiful these dancers were.

Ma is very hands on and I think the dancers really appreciate that.

He's also not afraid to demonstrate exactly what he wants.

Creative genius brewing between artistic director Celia Fushille and choreographer Ma Cong.

Inspired by Tom and Jerry cartoons, Ma Cong's French Twist, danced by Smuin Ballet, opens May 7th, 2010 in San Francisco. For a more detailed review and a video of the rehearsal visit the Saturday Matinee blog.

For more information on tickets and show times visit the Smuin Ballet homepage.

A special thank you to Celia, Ma and the Smuin ballet dancers for allowing us to intrude on their rehearsal and for sharing the creative process of French Twist!

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go dig up my old tutu and point shoes...and get my hukilau on!

La Vie {Life} - Snow edition

Is it possible to love California any more than I already do? I think yes! I'm a native of California and after 20 something (closer to 30-ish, omg) years of living the great California lifestyle it still amazes me that there is something for everyone here. Beaches for the surfers, vineyards for the wine-o's, mountains for the crazy hikers, deserts for the...wait...who loves deserts?...hmmm I'm not sure about that one, but we definitely have deserts here...ooh I know, deserts for the resort loving folks (think Palm Springs)! And of course we have our fair share of....SNOW! And this is where my story begins.

I took a snow day last weekend with some friends and brought my favorite snausages with me. Now if you know anything about me, I absolutely HATE being cold. I abhor it. Fancy word, no? :) But seriously, I'm a tropical person. It's in my DNA. I'm sure of it. My people hail from an island for crissakes! But every few years I have this urge to step outside my comfort zone and I dredge my little butt up and out to the snow to "enjoy" some snow activities. Yes I put enjoy in quotes. I'm a big fat whiney whiner. Did I mention I hate being cold? Ok good. With that in mind, I pulled out the snow pants and snow shoes and headed up the hill to find some snow. To my surprise, it turned out to be a perfectly lovely day! We went sledding, had a snowball fight with some rebel sledders, made snow angels, and it even snowed while we were there. It was quite picturesque. Ansel Adams-esque, even. And you know what? I guess I don't hate the cold as much as I thought. In fact, I can't even really remember being cold at all....gasp. Were we all really having that much fun? I guess we were.

This was right off the freeway. Can you believe it?

Sledding + Dog = Accident waiting to happen!

This is a snow dog snausage. That's all.

I caught the snowflakes in my hand! Snowflakes are cool.

I ♥ California.

- Emmy Cube

Le Critique: Selective Focus

::Cue Mission Impossible theme song::

This week's mission: Selective Focus
Agent: Emmy Cube
Target: Leftover Valentine's candy
Nemesis: My deceiving eyes
Difficulty: **
Reward: Eating leftover Valentine's candy!

I may have just gone ahead an eaten two boxes of these little treats. My tummy hurts.

- Emmy Cube


La Vie {Life}

The second born. The baby sister. The bratty, jealous baby sister. She has to get some attention too or I don't hear the end of it. It's constantly a competition. I can totally relate. I am the second born too. I am a bratty, jealous baby sister. I get it.

This is Kuma's pouting face. Mastered.

- Emmy Cube


La Vie {Life}

I'm so behind on my blogging! Is it really already the middle of February?! How did that happen? I beg your forgiveness (really...I'm on my knees begging! Yes I am. If you were here you would see...I'm typing on my knees) and enjoy these two random shots...the sun setting in Sacramento and of course one of my most favorite snausages in the world...Sage! Class has started up again (yippee!) and I'm learning so much and experimenting a lot with my photos. I have been working on some really exciting new things over here and I can't wait to share them with you...hang tight my friends!

Caught the sun in between the 20 billion rain storms to hit northern California the past few weeks.

Oh, this face...seriously? Yes, she's serious.

- Emmy Cube

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