La Vie (Life): Volcano Edition
Le Chiot: The Chosen One...Snowbelle
This is Snowbelle, or just Belle. She is the chosen one. More on this later...along with her siblings! Must.Pinch.Snausage. Ahhhh!
Sneak Peek
La Vie {Life}: Spring Break
The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, I'm sporting flip flops. It's officially Spring! Finally. Spring is one of my favorite times of the year (the only season better than Spring is Summer...where the anniversary of my birth resides...obviously) here in California! You know what that means, right??
SPRING BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOO! That's right. It's time to refresh and regenerate in a much needed vacation...so I'm headed to Europe for the next 12 days. What? Yeah, Europe. I'm kind of a big deal. I don't like to talk about it, but.... Wow, I'm in a mood today, no? It's the excitement...oh and maybe the sugar rush from the 12 thousand jelly beans I just ate.
Le Bebe: Elliana Vivienne
Introducing the newest little princess, Elliana Vivienne. There are no words to describe this angel. She literally melts hearts. Literally. Mine has not been the same since I laid eyes on her. I'm hooked. Completely. She is perfection I tell you! I had the honor of meeting this sweet angel on her two week birthday and let me tell you it was hard giving her back to mama! Take a look for yourself and tell me you wouldn't try to take her home with you... :) And how gorgeous is Mom?? She is just absolutely glowing....ahhh.
Sweet Princess Elliana Vivienne was born to proud parents Danielle and Mike on March 12, 2010 weighing in at 6lbs and 4oz. Congratulations to the family! And Elliana, the world is your oyster, sweetie. You can be anything, do anything, accomplish anything and conquer anything you set your mind to! ANYTHING. Remember that. You will do great things in this life and I look forward to seeing you grow up! But not too fast, okay? Lots of love and a big fat kiss from your Auntie Emmy ♥
Le Mode - Ly
Ly came to me after she saw some pictures I had shot for her beautiful friend. She wanted to update her modeling portfolio with a more contemporary look that also had a beautiful vintage-y feel. Make sense? Modern, but vintage. Yep. Beautiful. Is it getting ridiculous yet? Beautiful.
We could not have chosen a more beautiful (okay that one was necessary) day up in North Lake Tahoe. It was a clear, sunny and yes...beautiful day with mounds of snow everywhere! Ly was ready to work it! We shot for almost an entire day, only stopping briefly to restore energy at lunch time. :) As a model, she really was up for anything...bikini in the snow? Check. Lay down on snowy steps in a bikini? Check. Walk around Northstar resort in teeny shorts and heels while people stare and look at us like we're crazy? Check, check, check! You are amazing Ly! I hope you love your images as much as I do!
Did I mention that Ly has a beautiful 16 month old daughter as well? Oh lordy, if only all women were that lucky! Ly, it was such a pleasure to work with you and I had a blast that beautiful day up in Tahoe! Kiss that baby girl for me!